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 GPS MonitorPlus

Monitor your assets on your mobile phone


GPS MonitorPlus is a free generic mobile app used to track your assets.
You can use this app as a reseller to view & manage your entire customer base, or give the app to your customers so they can monitor their own assets

To download the Generic "GPS MonitorPlus" app, please visit and download correct version for your phone

On first login it will not know who you are, so you will see a generic login screen.

After logging in, all your settings (logo/background images etc) will be loaded onto the device and shown for the next time you login.

On subsequent logins, your branding will be applied to login screens etc, however the home screen icon and name will remain as GPS MonitorPlus.


Do you offer custom branded mobile apps?


Yes, this app exists as 3 different versions

1. GPS MonitorPlus - generic named app on Play and Android store - free to use for you and your customers.

2. Custom branded on app/play store - this app can be re-branded and published onto Play and App stores under your own logo and brand (additional costs apply)

3. *Custom branded PWA - An icon will appear on your home screen with your icon and brand just like other apps. However installation is done slightly differently, to download the app you must visit the website on your phone and it will prompt you to install the app using new PWA technologies. (additional costs apply but significantly cheaper that point 2.) - this also comes with a lifetime SSL/HTTPS certificate


You will need to contact us if you wish to use apps in point 2 or 3 above 


* PWA is a modern approach that bypasses the stores. 
When visiting the web-app with your mobile browser, the mobile app will be installed as a progressive web app on your phone 
Android phones will prompt you to  "add to home screen" and install seamlessly  
Apple unfortunately doesn't prompt you, so you have to manually select the add to the home screen in the safari options.
We will be developing an automated approach to handle iOS devices more seamlessly in future.

PWA apps are much quicker to deploy, and are often available on the same day, this is our preferred approach.
Custom branded apps on iOS can take upto 4 weeks depending on apples approval process.



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Date added: 2018-07-06 11:06:31

Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (30)