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 Use your own domain name

First you need to decide which domain name to use, you can use a full domain name or sub domain name

An example of a full domain name might be:


Some common examples of a sub domain names we see used are:



Once you have decided on your domain name, you will need to login to your domain registrar control panel (i.e. Go Daddy, 123-reg etc)
If you do not have access to this, please contact the person who registered your domain name, or buy a new one


Next, you need to create a CNAME record for your domain/subdomain and point it to

Depending on your domain registrar, the process of adding the CNAME will vary, you should look for DNS SETTINGS, ADVANCED DNS SETTINGS, ADD NEW RECORD etc.

There are usually 3 things to enter

1. domain/subdomain, in this example we will enter: LOGIN

2. Pick CNAME as record type

3. Enter as the DESTINATION


Here is an example using GO DADDY:


Here is an example using 123-REG


Usually it takes a few minutes for the domain to propagate/be active, but it could take upto 24 hours.

You then need to update your ADMIN/RESELLER/CUSTOM URL (you do NOT have to wait for your domain to propagate to complete these next steps)

1. Login to the app and click ADMIN


2. click RESELLER SETTINGS in the left panel


3. In the right hand pane, you will see custom URL, click the EDIT icon in top right
Input your new domain/subdomain in the CUSTOM URL field i.e.
Click the SAVE TICK BUTTON in the top right to save your changes

Now, visit your domain name (i.e. and it should work

If it does not work, you may have to wait 24 hours for the domain to propagate.

Due to ISP caching, we recommend waiting at least 5 minutes after creating the CNAME RECORD, before trying to visiting it in a browser, otherwise it might take a lot longer to reflect

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Date added: 2018-07-02 14:57:29

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